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Snapshot: Rob Hanly

It’s easier and cheaper than ever to communicate, collaborate, operate,travel (and even invoice) on the road. Fast, reliable internet access,even in the developing world, has made it possible to live anywhere while growing a profitable business or working at one....

Sweating it out in Paris, Vietnam.

Lesser Ury [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons HO CHI MINH CITY – The chair I’m in wasn’t made for adults, at least not those pushing six feet tall. But here we are, ten of us, knees jammed up under a rough pine table, crowded in amidst dozens of...

Welcome to Minaal.

If you’re digitally wandering, dazed, wondering why you’re here, this is your tonic. is a site – and, all going to plan, a community -built around the concept of smart, efficient and productive travel. Sounds great, but what do those words...