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The Kickstarter Design Process, Pt. 1

If you’ve somehow stumbled across this without context, it’s in relation to our current Kickstarter campaign, which you can check out here. OK, on with the fun stuff! WEIGHT We’re obsessed with the weight of our gear. We’re also obsessed with being accurate. So much...

Want to be in our next Kickstarter video?

[UPDATE] HUGE THANKS for all of your ‘More’ video clips! We’ve finished accepting submissions to be in our new Kickstarter video. You’re still welcome to send them and we’ll still enjoy watching them but it’s officially too late!...

Maker Infrastructure

It wasn’t long ago we marveled that our phones packed tech into our pockets that the Pentagon couldn’t have dreamed of a decade earlier. These communication superpowers we now take for granted are just one aspect of a new ‘Maker Infrastructure’...

Telling Stories

“Where have you guys been?!” That’s not a question you expect from a close friend. And it was immediately, painfully clear what the real question was: “Did you bail with your Kickstarter money and buy an island or something?” He had a...